Narrative Designer & Writer

Portfolio Piece 8: Level Design

Portfolio Piece 8: Level Design

This document and model were used to demonstrate my knowledge of some basic level design elements. In it, I justify why certain areas are arranged the way they are, as well as why specific characters are to be found in these areas. 

The model is a basic outline of the crew's small ship, "Starbug". I used Sketchup to create it, and it can be viewed in the free version of Sketchup, which I will link next to the model download.

I will also display some pictures on this page, in case people don't want to download Sketchup.


Starbug Cockpit Model

Starbug Isometric View

Starbug Top-Down Segments

Starbug Crew Quarters Model

Starbug Engine Room Model

Starbug Engine Room Model